Suv tanqis hududlarda uni toʻplash va saqlash uchun maxsus qurilgan gumbazli hovuz. Oʻrta Osiyo va Sharqdagi boshqa mamlakatlarda qurilgan. Sardobaning devori silindr shaklida, diametri 12–13 m, chuqurligi 10–15 m, hovuz yuzasi yer sathi bilan bir tekis boʻlgan. Sardobalar gumbazi sifatli pishiq gʻisht va ganchdan ishlangan, tepasi tuynukli, atroflarida hovuzga suv tushadigan teshiklar qilingan. Kirish uchun sardobalarga eshik ham oʻrnatilgan, uning oldi suvni toza saqlash maqsadida devor bilan oʻralgan. Sardobalar yoniga mollarni sugʻoradigan oxur qilinib, unga hovuzdan maxsus tarnov orqali suv oqizilgan.
Domed pool built specifically to collect and store water in dry areas. They were built in Central Asia and other eastern countries. The walls of the sardoba are cylindrical, 12–13 m in diameter, 10–15 m deep, and the surface of the pool is level with the ground. The dome of the sardoba is made of high-quality baked brick and plaster, with a hole in the top, around which there are holes for water to enter the pool. The entrance to the sardoba is also equipped with a door, the front of which is fenced to keep the water clean. Next to the sardobas there is a manger for watering cattle, and water is poured from the pool through a special ditch.
Qizimni chiqardim, shogirdlarimni tinchitdim, masjid-u madrasa, ko‘prigu minora, hammomu sardoba qurib berdim. Manba: Mirmuhsin, Me’mor |
Hirotda, Balxda, Samarqandda, Buxoroda bir necha ko‘prik, sardoba, hammom, madrasayu masjid qurilishida bosh bo‘ldim. Manba: Mirmuhsin, Me’mor |
Devday zo‘r Mansur baxshining bir zarbi bilan Xadicha begim suvi muzday sardobaga shaloplab qulab tushdi. Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar |
With a blow from the great Mansur Bakhshi, Xadicha begim fell into the icy water of sardoba. Manba: Pirimqul Kadyrov, Starry Nights |
I was in charge of the construction of several bridges, sardobas, baths, madrasas and masjids in Herat, Balkh, Samarkand and Bukhara. Manba: Mirmuhsin, Architect |
I did the wedding of my daughter, taught my students, built mosques and madrasas, bridges and towers, bathhouses and a sardobas. Manba: Mirmuhsin, Architect |