O‘zb: Charaqlagan osmon
Eng: Bright / luminous sky


Tiniq, yoqug', yaraqlayotgan osmon


Shining sky


Gumm! — Tisning ovozi qo‘rquvni chang va charaqlagan osmon sari quvishga harakat qilib, issiq havoda tanho jaranglardi. — Qars! Qorayaloqlarni butun koinot bo‘ylab tirqiratib yuborishdi! Iloyo balosiga uchrab, raketalaring chil-chil bo‘lsin! Koinotda nima ko‘p, meteorit ko‘p! Sizlar bilmas edilaringmi? 

Manba: Said Ahmad, Ufq


I had been driving and I sat in the car and the driver took the papers in. It was a hot day and the sky was very bright and blue and the road was white and dusty. 

Manba: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

He grew accustomed to the ghostliness of objects, saw the shining field ahead of him between the old maples, marked the luminous sky above the hill that rose to his right. 

Manba: Starling Lawrence, The Crown of Light