Boshqa yulduzlarning hajmi, shakl-shamoyiliga nisbatan kichikroq, bir qarashda ilg’ab olish qiyin bo’lgan yulduz
A star of a smaller size
— Mayli, o‘g‘lim. O‘sha yulduz seniki. Anovi to‘rtinchisi — meniki. — Nega, oyi, to‘rtinchisi eng kichkina yulduz-ku! Manba: O`tkir Hoshimov, Dunyoning ishlari |
Yet every dim little star revolving about her, from her maid to the manager of the Italian Opera, knows her weaknesses, prejudices, follies, haughtinesses, and caprices and lives upon as accurate a calculation and as nice a measure of her moral nature as her dressmaker takes of her physical proportions. Manba: Charles Dickens, Bleak House |