O‘zb: Quyuq o`simliklar
Eng: Dense with plants
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qoplagan o`t-o`lanlar


Zich joylashgan o’simliklar


Covered with plants growing densely


Birinchi savatdagi bo`lak hamma xonalar singari yotoqxona derazasi quyuq o`simliklari sinchkov nazardan uni pana qilguvchi choqqina sersoya va salqin bog`lraga qarab turardi.

Manba: Aleksandr Dyuma, Uch mushketyor


I hadn’t walked far before the path opened up into another clearing. It was smaller than the last and even denser with plants. I followed the pipe through the middle.


Manba: Stolen, Lucy Christopher