O‘zb: Pildirab yurish
Eng: Walking briskly


Mayda qadam bilan tez, shoshib-pishib yurmoq


Moving or pacing in a fast, quick, swift manner


Shunda murg‘akkina, ko‘zining oq-u qorasi, umid yulduzi — Muhammadjon o‘g‘li sog‘-omon pildirab yurarmidi...

Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat


One of the most common is the sight of a couple of towers, walking briskly along, deep in an animated discussion, while the man in the boat, a hundred yards behind them, is vainly shrieking to them to stop, and making frantic signs of distress with a scull.


Manba: Jerome K.Jerome, Three Men in a Boat