Qalbidagi barcha so’zlarni, sirlarni aytmoq
To share one's deepest or most intimate emotions, thoughts, or secrets
Sud oldida to‘xtaganiga o‘zi ishongan va sudning har holda o‘ziga xayrixoh kishilardan, ya’ni badavlat odamlardan iborat bo‘lganini bilgan Miryoqub endi dadillandi, va ko’nglini ochdi. Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz |
All the tremendous pressure building daily in his heart was simply gone, and he felt light and airy. He'd opened his heart to his spiritual father, as the desert fathers had insisted monks must do if they were to experience spiritual growth and defeat the wiles of the devil. Manba: Frank Bergon, The Temptations of St. Ed and Brothers |