O‘zb: Muloyim qo`l
Eng: Gentle / delicate hand


Muloyim, yumshoq qo`l


A soft and tender hand


Muloyim qo‘llarda ivib, suvga aylangandan keyin go‘zal ko‘zlarning supasida yonboshlashni muncha yaxshi ko‘rar ekan bu ko‘kat! Erkaklarning gullik do‘ppisiga tegmay, yalang ayollar bilan, ularning sochlari, gajaklari va ro‘mol popuklari bilan hazillashib o‘ynagan salqin shabada... ko‘klam nash’asi bilan sho‘xlik qiladi….”

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar


And he, as he held her warm and delicate hand in his own, was conscious of a strange tumult in his heart.

Manba: www.searchsentences.com

He reached down inside my shirt, with a none too gentle hand, and relieved me of the belt that held the money.

Manba: www.serachsentences.com