O‘zb: G`o`dillamoq
Eng: Grouch


O’zicha nimalardir demoq, do`q urganday gapirmoq


voice one's discontent ill-temperedly; grumble



Shundan so’ng, g’o’dillab so’kingan mahram belidagi uzun tumshuqli to’pponchasini to’g’rilab qo’ydi-da, to’da ichidagi o’ng qanotga chiqib ketdi.


Manba: Mirmuhsin, Cho’ri


Rightly or not, she heard it as a dormant wish her mother still harbored, that one morning Martina wouldn't wake herself, as she long since had, so that Judy once again would have to tiptoe in and lightly smooth her hair, and Martina, the once-upon-a-time Martina, would grouch and plead for time.

Manba: “Gettysburg Review”