O‘zb: Tuz
Eng: Salt


Osh-non ramzi. Xalqimizda tuz bilan bog’liq qator maqollar uchraydi va ularning aksariyatida tuz eng kerakli bo’lgan narsa sifatida ifoda etiladi. 


A white crystalline substance that gives seawater its characteristic taste. People called it white gold.


Biron navkar tuz haqi va vafodorlikni unutib, savashish vaqtida o‘z sohibidan yuz o‘girib, Amir Temur etagini tutmoqchi bo‘lsa, Sohibqiron uni o‘ziga eng yomon dushman deb biladi

Manba: Temur tuzuklari


When a soldierforgets his loyalty to the man who gave him bread and salt and turns away from his owner during the battle to join the men of Amir Temur, the commanderconsiders him as his worst enemy

Manba: Timur’s Codes

When a soldierforgets his loyalty to the man who gave him bread and salt and turns away from his owner during the battle to join the men of Amir Temur, the commanderconsiders him as his worst enemy

Manba: Timur’s Codes