O‘zb: Chiyilloq kulgi
Eng: Shrill laugh
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qattiq kulgi, Qo`pol kulgi


Qat`iy va ingichka kulgi


A high-pitched and piercing laugh


Konnning keskin va chiyilloq kulgilari mittigina, ammo g'ajir laychaning akillashini eslatardi va Prinsning hayajonli chiyillashini panalab turardi.

Manba: Bankir, Lesli Uoller


Sometimes, in the days of backbreaking work, in the desperate struggle for food and the never-ceasing care of the three sick girls, Scarlett found herself straining her ears for familiar sounds—the shrill laughter of the pickaninnies in the quarters, the creaking of wagons home from the fields, the thunder of Gerald’s stallion tearing across the pasture, the crunching of carriage wheels on the drive and the gay voices of neighbors dropping in for an afternoon of gossip.

Manba: Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the wind