O‘zb: Charmgar
Eng: Leather crafter


Charmga ishlov berib, undan turli xil hunarmandchilik buyumlari yoki san'at asarlari yaratadigan hunarmand


a person who made preserving the skins using special processes


Podshohning yotadigan va ustida uxlaydigan to’shaklari charmgar tomonidan qilingan.

Manba: “Shamoili Muhammadiy”, Muhammad at-Termiziy

Charmgar ustalar tomonidan yaxshi ishlov berilgan terilardan turli xil oyoq kiyimlari, bosh kiyimlar, po‘stin va nim po‘stin, turli xil meshlar (sut, suv, qimiz va b. uchun) tayyorlangan.

Manba: https://shosh.uz/uz/buxoro-amirligi-avvali-va-oxiri/

Ko‘nchilikda xom teri – charm va oshlangan teri ishlab kelingan. Bu ish bilan charmgar, ko‘nchi, saxtlangar, meshigar nomlari bilan ma’lum bo‘lgan ustalar shug‘ullanishgan.

Manba: Markaziy osiyo etnologiyasining dolzarb muammolari (O`quv-uslubiy majmua)

Masalan, tagcharm ishlab chiqaruvchilar — charmgar, yumshoq koʻn (sahtiyon) ishlab chiqaruvchilar saxti-yongar, mesh ishlab chiqaruchilar meshgar deb atalgan. 

Manba: https://uz.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%CA%BBnchilik


The King’s beds were made by leather crafter.

Manba: Muhammad at-Termiziy, Shamoili Muhammadiy

The tannery is made of raw hides and skins. This work was carried out by masters known as leather crafters, tanners, saxtlangar, and meshigar.

Manba: Current issues of Central Asian ethnology (educational-methodical complex)

For example, the manufacturers of sole are called leather crafter, the manufacturers of soft leather (sakhtiyon) are called sakhti-yongar, and the manufacturers of mesh are called meshgar.

Manba: https://uz.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%CA%BBnchilik

A variety of footwear, hats, coats, various bags (for milk, water and etc.) are made of leather, which is well processed by leather masters.

Manba: https://shosh.uz/uz/buxoro-amirligi-avvali-va-oxiri/