O‘zb: Doʻppi
Eng: Doppi


O`zbek milliy bosh kiyimi. Dumaloq yoki to'rtburchak shaklidagi, erkaklar va ayollar kiyadigan yengil bosh kiyimi. Odatda oddiy yoki zarli iplar bilan bezatiladi,biser qo'shib tikiladi. Do’ppilarda turli xil ramzlar ifodalandi: qalampir, patlar, bulbul, qush naqshlari, atirgul shoxi va muqaddas arab yozuvlari va boshqalar


Uzbek national headdress. They are made of two or more layers of fabric quilted and fixed with a silk or cotton thread. It is usually embroidered with a silk thread, gold or silver cantle. The most extended ornaments on the head-dresses were: pattern in the form of pepper (a symbol of purity and estrangement from all earthly), crosses, tufts of feathers, the motif of a nightingale, a bird (a symbol of supreme wisdom), branches of a rose (a symbol of peace and beauty), the inscriptions by the holy Arabic type and others.


Erkaklarning gullik do‘ppisiga tegmay, yalang ayollar bilan, ularning sochlari, gajaklari va ro‘mol popuklari bilan hazillashib o‘ynagan salqin shabada... ko‘klam nash’asi bilan sho‘xlik qiladi.

Manba: Cho’lpon, Kecha va kunduz

Erkaklarning gullik do‘ppisiga tegmay, yalang ayollar bilan, ularning sochlari, gajaklari va ro‘mol popuklari bilan hazillashib o‘ynagan salqin shabada... ko‘klam nash’asi bilan sho‘xlik qiladi.

Manba: Cho’lpon, Kecha va kunduz


Oh, how the cool wind that playfully toys with those bare women with theirhair and their curls, with the ends of their headscarves—never touches the
doppis of men

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day