Suv taqsimoti va sug'orish tarmoqlarini nazorat qiluvchi shaxs
Person who controls the division of water and water systems in Central Asian countries
Oqtuproq dalam mirob marhamatini qarab yotibdi, deyinmi? Manba: Tog`ay Murod, Otamdan qolgan dalalar |
Oqar suv tamom bo'ldi,-dedi mirob. -Endi,suv ombordan suv beraman. Manba: Tog`ay Murod, Otamdan qolgan dalalar |
Pastdagilar o‘zlaricha kelib, suvni ochgani qo‘rqishar ekan. Mirob bo‘lsa, og‘iz ocholmaydi. Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz |
Should I say that my white field is waiting for the favour of a mirob? Manba: Tog`ay Murod, The fields left by my father |
The water is over, - said the mirob. - Now, I give water from the reservoir. Manba: Togay Murod, The fields left by my father |
Those downstream were afraid to direct the water themselves. And your mirobs did nothing. Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day |