O‘zb: Mirob
Eng: Mirob


Suv taqsimoti va sug'orish tarmoqlarini nazorat qiluvchi shaxs


Person who controls the division of water and water systems in Central Asian countries


Oqtuproq dalam mirob marhamatini qarab yotibdi, deyinmi?

Manba: Tog`ay Murod, Otamdan qolgan dalalar

Oqar suv tamom bo'ldi,-dedi mirob. -Endi,suv ombordan suv beraman.

Manba: Tog`ay Murod, Otamdan qolgan dalalar

Pastdagilar o‘zlaricha kelib, suvni ochgani qo‘rqishar ekan. Mirob bo‘lsa, og‘iz ocholmaydi.

Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz


Should I say that my white field is waiting for the favour of a mirob?

Manba: Tog`ay Murod, The fields left by my father

The water is over, - said the mirob. - Now, I give water from the reservoir.

Manba: Togay Murod, The fields left by my father

Those downstream were afraid to direct the water themselves. And your mirobs did nothing.

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day