O‘zb: O`tkir qirrali burun
Eng: Sharp nose
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Cho`qqi burun, Ilmoqli burun


Nozik va chiroyli shaklga ega burun


A nose with a pointed edge


Kuchlik kulgidan Ra’noning ko‘zi yoshlanib, o‘siq kipragi juftalandi, kulgi va o‘choq harorati bilan ikki yuzi qizil olmag‘a aylanib, latif o'tkir qirrali burni ustida marvaridr ezalari hosil bo‘ldi. 

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Mehrobdan chayon


His fixed smile, sharp nose, and small gray eyes were all crowded into the geometrical center of a fat, round face that looked rosy from good living. 

Manba: Albert E. Cowdrey, Behold the Child