O‘zb: Qayg`urmoq
Eng: Care
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: G`amxo`rlik, Jonkuyarlik, Kuyunchaklik


 Biror kimsa, narsa haqida o‘ylamoq, uning tashvishida bo‘lmoq 


To feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.


Nodira onasi o‘rnida Anvarning boshini siladi, yuvib taradi va Anvarning istiqboli uchun qayg‘urdi. 

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Mehrobdan chayon


Felipe is the kind of man who desperately needs a woman in his life—but not so that he can be taken care of; only so that he can have someone to care for, someone to consecrate himself to.

Manba: Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat, Prey, Love