O‘zb: G`araz
Eng: Grudge
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: G`iybat


O`ch olish, yomonlik qilish niyati


A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury.


Buni ko`rib, Sidiqjonning qalbida bu juvonga nisbatan har qanday g`arazdan xoli bir mehr uyg`ondi. 

Manba: A.Qahhor, Qo‘shchinor chiroqlari


And having, whether he liked or not, taken up for himself the position of an independent man, he carried it off with great tact and good sense, behaving as though he bore no grudge against anyone, did not regard himself as injured in any way, and cared for nothing but to be left alone since he was enjoying himself.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina