O‘zb: Yomg`irda jon kirgan tuproq
Eng: Saturated soil


Uzoq vaqt sug’orilmagan  tuproq yomg’ir yog’ganidan so’ng yaxshi holatda bo’ladi va juda yoqimli hid taratadi, shunga nisbatan ishlatiladi


The soil that is filled with water.


Sahro chechagining ayanch kulgusi,

Yomg’irdan jon kirgan tuproqning isi.

Manba: Saida Zunnunova, Cho`li Iroq


This soil is spongy, and, undergoing alternate contraction and expansion from being alternately comparatively dry and saturated with moisture, allows the heavy blocks to slip down by their own weight into the valley, where they become piled up, the valley stream afterwards removing the soil from among and over them.

Manba: www.sentence.yourdictionary.com