O‘zb: Yoz gullari
Eng: Summer flower


Yoz faslida ochilgan gullar


Flowers that bloom in summer


O`rtadag`i so`rining osti bir yarim gaz ko`tarilib ishlangan sufa, sufaning uch tarafiga yoz gullari ekilgan, rayhon va boshqa chechaklar atrofka o`z atriyotlarini ongqitib yotar edilar.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Mehrobdan chayon


This rose is not so fragrant as a summer flower, but it has stood through hardships none of them could bear: the cold rain of winter has sufficed to nourish it, and its faint sun to warm it.

Manba: The Tennant of Wildfell Hall, Anna Bronte