O‘zb: Yaxshilab o`ylamoq
Eng: Think through
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Puxta o`ylamoq, Qayta o`ylamoq, To`g`ri o`yli, Toza o`ylash


Biror narsa haqida chuqur mulohaza qilish


To think about all the different parts or effects of (something) for a period of time especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it.


Qanchalik yaxshilab oʻylagani bilan yetolgmadi oʻyiga. 

Manba: "Oy-suluv"


Someone too young and too stupid to think it through properly. Someone so indifferent to life and death he thought it didn't matter. 

Manba: There is No Dog by Meg Rosoff