O‘zb: Kuchli norozilik
Eng: Strong dissatisfaction
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Jiddiy norozilik, Qattiq norozilik


Qattiq norozilanish


Being seriously displeased


Boy ota, kambag`al ota” kitobimda aytib o`tganimdek, boy otam soatiga o`n sent to`lamasdan ishlatgani bu kitobning o`quvchilari orasida kuchli norozilik uyg`otgan.


Manba: Boy bola, aqlli bola, Robert T.Kiosaki va Sharon L.Letcher


Spain also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the fact that the discussion of this agenda item did not take place earlier which would have allowed a member of the Spanish delegation to take active part.

Manba: context.reverso.net