O‘zb: Paxta
Eng: Cotton


Muhim strategik mahsulot. Paxta qadim zamonlardan o’zbek xalqi turmushining ajralmas bir qismi hisoblangan va adabiyotimizda ham baraka va to’kinlik ramzi bo’lib ifodalanadi. 


Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, considered as an important strategic product. Cotton has been an integral part of the life of the Uzbek people since ancient times and is a symbol of prosperity and abundance in our literature.


Paxta bizning boyligimiz, G‘o‘zapoyasi – oyligimiz

Manba: Uzbek xalq maqoli


As soon as the train left the city, it entered a sea of blooming cotton fields.

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day