O‘zb: O`rtancha barmoq
Eng: Middle finger
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Bosh barmoq, Ko`rsatkich barmoq


Qo’ldagi beshta barmoqdan uchinchisi


The finger next to the forefinger.


“Yo‘q, dada. Nemis qali bizning yerimizda? Cholning yuzlari yana burushib ketdi. U soqolining uchini o`rtanchi barmog‘iga o‘ragancha tizzasiga tikilib qoldi…”

Manba: Said Ahmad, Ufq


Mannequin hands, or handequins as some called them, had articulated fingers enabling an artist to pose the hand in whatever position he wanted, which for sophomoric college students was often with the middle finger extended straight up in the air.

Manba: Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code