O‘zb: G`o`ldiramoq / g`ulduramoq
Eng: Mur-mur / Grumble


Eshitilar-eshitilmas qilib noaniq gapirmoq, o’zicha allanimalar demoq


Say something in a low or indistinct voice / 

make a low rumbling sound



O’tgan gapga salavot, uka, - dedi polvon, xuddi humga tushgan ariday g’o’ldirab.


Manba: H.Nazir, O’tlar tutashganda

Qudrat halqumiga bir nima tiqilganday g’uldurab, singlisining qo’lini itarib tashladi.


Manba: H.Nazir. So’nmas chaqmoqlar


The throng in the hall began to murmur; someone shouted out,

" Proof! " 


Manba: Susan Fletcher, Flight of the Dragon Kyn

Frank suggested getting a crime scene unit to check the hangar with luminol, a chemical capable of detecting minute traces of blood, but the skeptics in the group were starting to grumble, especially Reed Collins and Vince Adams, the detectives in charge of the Lane case.



Manba: Jan Burke, Bones