Oltita teshigini barmoqlar bilan bekitib-ochib, puflab chalinadigan musiqa asbobi; sibizg’a
End-blown flute that figures prominently in Middle Eastern music.
Sozlardan tanbur, dutor, g’ijjak, rubob,chang, nay va daf kabilar menga tanish bo’lsalar ham, yana men ko’rmagan va bilmagan bir qancha sozlar ham bor edi. Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Jinlar bazmi |
Sozandalar poygahroqda o‘tirib, qonun va udda, g‘ijjak va nayda etni jimirlatuvchi kuylar chalishardi. Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar |
Tashqarida bir qo‘sha sozandalar dutor, tanbur, g‘ijjak, rubob, nay va amsoli sozlar bilan dunyoga jon suvi sepib shaharning mashhur hofizlari ashula aytadirlar. Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar |
The musicians sat near the threshold, playing the haunting melodies with the konun, ud, gijjak and nay. Manba: Pirimqul Qadirov, Starry Nights |
Although the instruments such as tanbur, dutar, gijjak, rubab, chang, nay and daf were familiar to me, there were also some instruments that I did not know. Manba: Abdullah Qadiriy, The Devils’ Dance |
The constant interplay of instruments resonated from the outer yard; the dutars, tamburs, rubabs, and nays were accompanied by the most renowned singers of the city; they watered the world around them with the ever-flowing spring of their songs, caressing the ears of the guests. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days |