O‘zb: Bilinmay ketgan sepkillar
Eng: Fading freckles


Yuzdagi yo'qolib ketgan yoki bilinmaydigan sepkillar


Small, brownish spots on face 


Tishlar uning sarg‘ish yuziga juda yarashgan, hatto sepkili ham bilinmay ketgan edi.


Manba: Tog`ay Murod, ”Bu dunyoda o`lib bo`lmaydi”


I did suffer terribly over my hair and my freckles. My freckles are really gone; and people are nice enough to tell me my hair is auburn now—all but Josie Pye.

Manba: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Fading freckles dotting each cheek were now highlighted by the lack of mascara.

Manba: T. O. Stallings , The Absence of Purity