O‘zb: G`ijjak
Eng: Gijjak


Kamoncha bilan chalinadigan torli musiqa asbobi,Sim torli, qorinchasiga maxsus teri qoplangan, kamoncha bilan chalinadigan musiqa asbobi


Finger-board instrument with dome-shaped resonator, the surface of which is covered by leather membrane. It has four strings. Sound is produced using a bow


Ichkaridan nay va g`ijjak ovozi baralla kelib turar edi.

Manba: G`ayratiy, Dovdirish

Barot polvon “dodxoh kelibdi shekilli”, deb samovar tomonga qaragan edi, dutor tanbur, g`ijjak, nay, doira  ko`tarib kelayotgan mashshoqlarga ko`zi tushdi. 

Manba: M.Ismoiliy, Farg‘ona tong otguncha


From inside came the loud sound of a flute and a gijjak.

Manba: Gayrati, Dovdirish

Barot Champion looked at the samovar thinking that the Dodhoh was coming but saw the musicians coming with the dutar, tambour, gijjak, ney, and dayereh in their hands.

Manba: M.Ismaili, Fergana at Dawn