Go`shtdor, semiz barmoq
Fleshly, plump finger
“….Ilon tipirchilab sahroning o‘lik sukunatini buzib, Alkimyogarning semiz barmoqlariga o‘zini urardi. Bu bir chaqishdayoq o‘ldiradigan kobra iloni edi.” Manba: Paelo Koelo, Alkimyogar |
‘...In the following cases: physical defect in the married parties, desertion without communication for five years,’ he said, crooking a short finger covered with hair, ‘adultery’ (this word he pronounced with obvious satisfaction), ‘subdivided as follows’ (he continued to crook his fat fingers, though the three cases and their subdivisions could obviously not be classified together): ‘physical defect of the husband or of the wife, adultery of the husband or of the wife.’ Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina |