O‘zb: Aqiqa
Eng: Aqeeqa


Oilada chaqaloq dunyoga kelganligi munosabati bilan uning tug`ilganiga 7 yoki 14 yoxud 21 kun bo`lganda o`tkaziladigan ziyofat


Family reception on the occasion of the birth of a baby 7, 14 or 21 days after birth 


Kitoblarda farzandning otaga bir necha haqqi bor deganlar:..agar o`g`il bo`lsa ikki qo`y so`yib, agar qiz bo`lsa bir qo`y so`yib, tug`ilgan kunining yettisida aqiqa qilishi farz.

Manba: S.Ayniy, Doxunda

Aqiqa Hanafiy fiqhida muboh va go`zal amaldir. 

Manba: O`zME


The books say that a child has several rights before his father, i.e. if he has a son, he has to slaughter two sheep, and if he has a daughter, he has to slaughter one sheep and hold aqeeqah on the 7th days of her birth.

Manba: S.Ayniy, Doxunda

Aqeeqa is a blessed and beautiful deed in Hanafi jurisprudence. 

Manba: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan