O‘zb: Masjid
Eng: Mosque
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Namozgoh, Xonaqoh


Musulmonlarning jam bo‘lib, namoz o‘qiydigan ibodatxonasi, sajda qilinadigan joy. Musulmonlarga besh vaqt kundalik namozni amalga oshirish   uchun qurilgan inshoot.  Jamoa uchun zarur turli xabarlar eʼlon qilinadigan, haftalik juma, xayit namozlari jamoa boʻlib oʻqiladigan maxsus bino.  Bu so’z, shuningdek, machit shaklida ham ishlatiladi. Bundan tashqari, ba’zi badiiy asarlarda musallo, namozgoh kabi so’zlar ham aynan masjid ma’nosida qo’llanilgan.


Place where  Muslims gather and pray, a place of worship. A structure built for Muslims to perform five daily namaz prayers. It is a special building where various messages for the community are announced, weekly Friday and Eid prayers are performed as a group. The word is also used in the form of “machit”. In addition, in some works of art, words such as musalla and namozgoh are also used to mean a mosque.


Kishilar masjid, madrasa solganda, biz bir yatim boqsaq, arzimaydimi? 


Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Mehrobdan Chayon

Hovliga mahalla masjidining imom xatibi bilan mutavallisi kirdi.


Manba: Said Ahmad, Qorako‘z majnun

Sungur quyosh chiqqunicha masjidda qoldi.


Manba: Jaloliddin Rumiy, Qalb ko‘zingni och...


Sungur stayed in the mosque until sunrise.


Manba: Jaloliddin Rumi, Open the eye of your heart ...

People build mosques and madrasas but why cannot we upbring an orphan? 


Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Scorpion in the Mihrab

The imam and the khatib of the mosque entered the courtyard.


Manba: Said Ahmad, Black eyed majnun