O‘zb: Lola
Eng: Tulip


Sof muhabbat, buyuk baxtning ramzi.

Shon-sharaf, mag'rurlik, uyg'unlik, ajoyib sevgi timsoli.

Gullar tilidagi lola - bu baxt, vahiy, sof Sevgi ramzi! 


A symbol of pure love, great happiness, as well as glory, pride and harmony.


Mendan nima qolar:

Ikki misra sher,
Ikki sandiq kitob,
Bir uyum tuproq.
Odamlar ortimdan
Nima desa der,
Men sen o’ylayman
O’zimdan ko’proq –
Lola, lolajonim

Manba: Muhammad Yusuf, Lolaqizg’aldoq


You make the flowers that have just bloomed fade before their time; you crush the tulip buds, killing them before they have a chance to open.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days