Hajmi kichik bo`lgan qozoncha
A rounded small container, typically of metal, used for cooking.
Poshshaxonning qarori qanday qo‘rqinch bo‘lsa, uning bajarilishi shu qadar tez va oson bo‘ldi: baqqoldan yashirincha oldirilgan kuchala kichkinagina dekchada ertadan-kechgacha qaynadi: ertalab uning suvi bir choynakka solinib, Zebining uyiga olib kirilishga mo‘ljallandi... Manba: Cho'lpon, Kecha va kunduz |
As terrifying as Poshshaxon's decision was, the execution of it would be quiet easy and quick. Stoking the little pot all day, she boiled some women's bane that she had secredy bought from the grocer. She planned to pour the water from it into a teapot and place it in Zebi’s house the next morning. Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day |