O‘zb: Jamalak
Eng: Braid
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Cho`lpi


Soch mayda o`rilganda sochga qo`shib o`raladigan, turli xil bezaklar bilan bezalgan sun'iy kokil


An artificial braid that is attached to the hair when the hair is finely interwoven and decorated with various ornaments.


Sen ham qizim jamalak soch emassan, katta bo`lib qolding, oq-qorani ayirding.”


Manba: Shuhrat, Jannat qidirganlar

A`zamjon uning o`yinlarini ko`rmagan edi. U frontga ketayotganda sochlari jamalak qizcha edi.

Manba: Said Ahmad, Ufq

Sochlari jamalak, uzun chakan ko`ylagi to`pig`iga tushgan bir go`dak edi.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Jinlar bazmi


You are, my daughter, not a little girl with the braid hair anymore, you have grown up and can separate right from wrong.

Manba: Shukhrat, People looking for paradise

Azhamjon had not seen her plays. When he was going to the front she was just a little girl with hair in braids.

Manba: Said Ahmad, The Horizon

She was just a little girl wearing her hair in braids, her long dress fell to her heels.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, The Devils' Dance