O‘zb: Burqsib turgan tutun
Eng: Rush of smoke


Qattiq tutash, qalin tutun


Sudden fast movement of smoke


Bir qarashda Zaynilar menga u yer-bu yerida hali tutunlari burqsib turgan bir yong‘in xarobasiga o‘xshab ko‘rindi.

Manba: Rashod Nuri Guntekin, Choliqushi


Then, the train rattled among the house-tops, and among the ragged

sides of houses torn down to make way for it, and over the swarming streets, and under the fruitful earth, until it shot across the river:bursting over the quiet surface like a bomb-shell, and gone again as if it had exploded in the rush of smoke and steam and glare.


Manba: Our Mutal Friend, Charles Dickens