O‘zb: Shubhaga tushirmoq
Eng: To leave someone in doubt
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ko`ngliga shubha oralamoq, Shubha qilmoq, Shubha yo'qki


Shubhaga solmoq, kimdandir gumonsirashga tushmoq


To make someone suspect, to put suspect in one's mind


Chunki Otabekning Azizbek tarafdori bo‘lg‘anlig‘iga shu o‘rtada o‘zim tegshirgan bir ish meni shubhaga tushuradir.

Manba: O'tkan kunlar, Abdulla Qodiriy


At the same time he leaves her in doubt as to whether he is really alive or not.

Manba: Murder in Mesopotamia, Jane Austen