O‘zb: Yuzidagi chandiq
Eng: A scar on face
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Katta chandiq, Uzun tirtiq


Yuzda jarohat natijasida paydo bo’lgan chuqur iz


A mark left on the face by the healing of injured tissue


Bu gapni eshitib, Asadulla uzoq o`ysurdi, so`ng ijaraga boshpana so`ragan yigitni esladi: Yuzida chandig`i bor edi shekilli?”


Manba: Tohir Malik “Savohil”


William recovered his sense of well-being and vigour rapidly in the following months, and the scars on his face and chest faded into relative in  significance.

Manba: Jeffrey Archer, "Kane and Abel"