O‘zb: Momoqaldiroqli yomg`ir
Eng: Lightning in token of great rain


Yomg’ir yog’ish paytida momaqaldiroq bo’lishi


Rain and a flash of light that short—duration, between clouds


Momaqaldiroqli yomg‘irlar yoqqanda daralarning sellari begimning yonidagi o‘g‘ilchasini oqizib ketadiganday vahmini keltirardi. 

Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar


As when fair Juno’s lord flashes his lightning in token of great rain or hail or snow when the snow-flakes whiten the ground, or again as a sign that he will open the wide jaws of hungry war, even so did Agamemnon heave many a heavy sigh, for his soul trembled within him.

Manba: Homer, The Iliad