Yerdan judayam uzoqda joylashgan, faqat teleskop orqali ko’rish mumkin bolgan yulduzlar
Star that is very distant from the Earth. It is used only in relation to stars that can be seen through a telescope.
Osmondagi so’ngan, so’nmagan Milliard nafar yiroq yulduzlar – Teleskopli olimga emas, Bari menga dardini so’zlar. Manba: Ertakdan |
sometimes he put Cornelia's desk to rights; sometimes he would even creep into the Doctor's study, and, sitting on the carpet near his learned feet, turn the globes softly, and go round the world, or take a flight among the far-off stars. Manba: Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son |
Our galaxy is filled with gas and dust that makes distant stars look fainter and thus appear farther away than they really are. Manba: |