O‘zb: Odatlanib qolgan
Eng: Wonted; get used to
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ko`nikmoq


Biron ishga, narsaga bog’lanib qolgan


Usual or ordinary especially by reason of established habit;

To be in the habit or custom.


Ulamolar aytishganki, yomon xotima botinda gunoh qilishga odatlanib qolgan va kezi kelganda gunohi kabira qilishdan ham tap tortmaydigan kimsalarda uchraydi.


Manba: Gunohi kabiralar, Imom Hofiz Shamsuddin Zahabiy


Levin went to the steps, took a run from above as best he cold, and dashed down, preserving his balance in this wonted movement with his hands.


Manba: Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy

He knew that his father and mother were separated by some quarrel, he knew that he had to remain with his father, and he tried to get used to that idea.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina