O‘zb: Chayon
Eng: Snake in the grass


Xuddi chayondek zahrini sochmoq, yomon gapirmoq


Refers to a treacherous or deceitful person


Chayon kabi meni zaharlamakda bo‘lg‘an kampirning to‘g‘ri so‘zini eshitib turishka ortiq to‘zalmadim-da,ertagacha o‘ylab javob berishni aytib kampirning oldidan chiqdim.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar


And some CBS people I've talked to, as you well know, have referred to you as selfish, as sleazy, as a snake in the grass, and some other things that I can't say on the air. 

Manba: From tale