O‘zb: Go`zal vodiy
Eng: Beautiful/ Lovely valley
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Xushmanzara vodiy


Chiroyli, xushmanzara vodiy


Beautiful, charming valley


Ulug‘vor tog‘lar afsonaviy Qal’a devorlaridek atrofni o‘rab turgan bu go‘zal vodiy hozir avvalgidan xiyla osuda. Urush tugaganiga ikki yildan oshdi. 

Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar


In just a few hours she would board a train for the short trip to Milwaukee, and soon afterward she, Minnie, and Harry would be on their way to the lovely, cool valley of the St. Lawrence River, between New York and Canada.


Manba: Erik Larson, The Devil in the White City