O‘zb: Yengil shamol
Eng: Light wind


Juda kuchli bo`lmagan, goh-goh esuvchi mayin shamol


The wind that does not blow strongly.


Ikkala tomonida serbarg daraxtlar saf tortgan bu ko`cha tinch, faqat yengil shabadadan u yer bu    yerdan qalqob bo`lib qolgan suv –yaqinda yomg`ir yog`ib o`tganmi yo maxsus mashinalar  sepib   o`tganmi, aytish qiyin –fonarlar nurida milt-milt qilib turibdi.


Manba: O`lmas Umarbekov “Bahor bulutlari”


What with that, and the whispering that still filled the hall, Harry felt as though he were sleeping outdoors in a light wind

Manba: J.K.Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban