O‘zb: Hayqirgan ovoz
Eng: Blooming / screaming voice
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ovozini ko`tarmoq


Baland, chinqirayotgan paytdagi ovoz


Loud and deep voice


Ruhiy xastalar shifoxonasida esa derazalariga temir panjaralar mahkamlangan xonalardagi jinnilarning hayqirgan ovozlari tongni bir titratib so‘ng uyg‘otadi. 

Manba: Tohir Malik, Shaytanat


I'm not sure why he's even helping me at all, except that he seems to enjoy this excuse to avoid the sick-sweet baby smell of his own home and the screaming voice of his wife, Delilah.

Manba: Mesha Maren, Milk River

Not the God I had somehow pictured all my life, the one with the booming voice like thunder and lightning that would strike and sizzle me to bacon when I did something wrong. 

Manba: Ruth Moose, Wedding bell blues