O‘zb: Qashqarbaldoq
Eng: Kashgharbaldak
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Oybaldoq


Isirg’aning XVIII asrda Farg’ona vodiysiga qashqarliklar keltirgan, halqa shaklidagi turi


Ring-shaped type of earring that brought by Kashghars to the Fergana Valley in the 18th century


Ikkoviga ham adolat qilardi. Biriga qashqarbaldoq olsa Ikkinchisiga ham shunday buyum olardi. 

Manba: Tohir Malik, To’qilgan hikoya

Sochi erkakcha kesilgan ikki qulog’ida katta-katta qashqarbaldoq, labini shunday bo’yabdiki xuddi pomidor tishlab kelganday.

Manba: Said Ahmad, Bir o’pichning bahosi


He would treat both equally. If he bought a kashgharbaldak for one, he would buy the same for the other.

Manba: Tohir Malik, A fictive story

Her hair was cut like a man's, she wore big kashgharbaldaks in both ears, and painted her lips as if she had eaten a tomato.

Manba: Said Ahmad, The Price of a Kiss