O‘zb: Bo`lishib yeyish
Eng: To share a meal
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Birga yeyish


Butunni bir necha kishi o’rtada baham ko’rish


To give part of meal to someone


Yangi yilning bug‘doyi barakali bo‘lsin degan umidda yangi bug‘doy unidan non yopib, bayram kuni bo‘lishib yeyish taomil bo‘lib qolgan.

Manba: Farg‘ona kelini, Jo'rjiy Zaydon


He returned to the house, and when his father had come back and welcomed him, and they had shared a meal together, Jocelyn again went out, full of an earnest desire to soothe his young neighbor's sorrow in a way she little expected;


Manba: Thomas Hardy, The Well-Beloved