O‘zb: Hayratga tushmoq
Eng: To be so astonished
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ajablanish, Hayron qolmoq, Taajjublanish


Taajjubda qolish


Amazed, surprised


Suhbatni ular yolg‘iz yuzma-

yuz o'tirishganidan hayratga tushgan Sharlotta

bilan singlisining kirib kelishi boldi.

Manba: Andisha va g`urur, Jeyn Ostin


As for me, I was so astonished that I did not at first see hat was going on by the brook ; but when I did look,

there was a sad sight; two fine horses were down ; one was

struggling in the stream, and the other was groaning on

the grass.

Manba: Black Beauty Anna Sewell