O‘zb: Chiroyli qadam tashlash
Eng: Tread light and soft
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Nafis qadam tashlash, Nazokat bilan qadam tashlash


Ko`rkamlik bilan yurish


Pacing that in a gentle and notable manner


Kiyikdek chiroyli qadam tashlab Elis yaqinlashdi va "boshlaymizmi" dedi. Shu mahal o’rmon ustidan gumburlab chaqmoq chaqib, sel keta boshladi.

Manba: Zulmat ostonasidagi muhabbat, Stefeni Meyer


Her voice was gentle and childish, her tread light and soft as that of a cat ; but her manners more frequently resembled those of a pretty, playful kitten, that is now pert and roguish, now timid and demure, according to its own sweet will.

Manba: Anna Bronte, The Tennant of Wildfell Hall