Paranji tikish bilan shug`ullanuvchi chevar
One who sews a cloth covering the head, neck, and the sides of the face
Biz sizlardek vaqtimizda mashhur paranjido`zlar tikkan paranjilarni jon deb kiyardek. Manba: P. Tursun, O`qituvchi |
Xonlik hujjatlariga ko‘ra, Qo‘qonda hunarmandchilikning quyidagi turlari bo’lgan. Misgar, zargar, …paranjido‘z, chodirchi, chevar, chitgar, |
Bosh paranjido`z ham bizga norozilik bildira olmas edi. Manba: Tog`ay Murod, Ot kishnagan oqshom |
Even the head paranjiduz could not disagree with us. Manba: T.Murod, The night when a horse neighed |
According to khanate documents, there were such types of handicrafts in Kokand as copper, jeweler,… paranjiduz, tent maker, tailor, carpet maker, etc. Manba: N.Norkulov,History of Uzbekistan (8th grade) |
At your age, we would love to wear the veils sewn by famous paranjiduzes. Manba: P.Tursun, Teacher |