O‘zb: Qitday tutun
Eng: Little puffs of smoke
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Nozikkina tutun, Yengil, suyuqqina tutun


Kam miqdordagi, siyrak tutun


a little amount of smoke


U chilimni butun kuchi bikan kashandalarday tortib, og`ziga qitday tutun ilashmaganidan teskari burilib mikgar-dardi: “Sartning qudoy urg`ani sen ekansen o`nmag`ur...”


Manba: Oybek, Qutlug` qon


He began to whistle "Red River Valley" uptempo as he poked along the last two or three feet of shelf. The notes came out in little puffs of white smoke.


Manba: The Shining, Stephan King