O‘zb: Qutb yulduzi
Eng: North star / Pole star
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Tong yulduzi


Shimoliy qutbda joylashgan yulduz


A bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor (Little Dipper). It seems to remain in a constant position in the sky; for this reason, Polaris is used for navigation.


Yo’lni yo’qotib qo’ydik.Nma qilishimizni bilmay ancha o’ylandik.Tun bo’ldi, qutb yulduzi ko’rindi.Najot ilinjida shu yo’nalishda harakatlana boshladik.

Manba: Ertakdan


 D'ye want to put the North Star in a pair of scales and weigh it?

Manba: Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son

He drives hurriedly in the direction of the Pole Star.

Manba: www.sentencedict.com