O‘zb: O`simliklar hayoti
Eng: Plant life


O’simliklarning yuzaga kelgandan yo’q bo’lginga qadar bo’lgan fiziologik holati, yashayotgan holati


Plants collectively, especially those native to a particular region, habitat, or geological period; flora, vegetation. 


U kulimsirab, mana shu befarqlik, pala-partishlik, oilasidagi tanazzul va o‘simliklar hayotidagi turg‘unlik oxir-oqibat ruhimni yengadi, deb o‘yladi.


Manba: Musavvirning yoshlikdagi shamoili, Jeyms Joys


As during the Sumatra eruption a large percentage of the world's plant life would be killed by the ash and drop in temperature. 

Manba: Yellowstone Is A Super Volcano Overdue For Eruption